Blind Jack

Great blind people in history.

Throughout history there have been people who have overcome their blindness to achieve great things. From Homer to Pulitzer these are the biographies of some of those people. Inevitably music is a field in which the visually impaired have excelled but there are also great statesmen, scientists, authors, military leaders and artists. Be all that you can be.

VIPA Music

“Where words fail, music speaks.”

Music can make us happy, evoke memories, take us to other worlds and bring immeasurable pleasure. Each month we will be having special articles on different artists and genres as well as many different aspects of music. We encourage you to contact us either via twitter, or facebook with suggestions or requests.

VIPA Old Radio

Let us take you to a better world

Switch on the radio and become Alice in Wonderland. Plays, mysteries, science fiction, soaps, horror and wonderful comedy. It is all here for your enjoyment and education. An armchair, a brew and some strawberries and cream; this is life. Feel free to comment at the foot of the page, we would love to hear from you.


Sundry Essays

This is a growing series of essays covering such diverse themes as the history of certain commodities, biographies of lesser known personages, misconceptions in history and places of history. Please explore and give us some feedback.

VIPA Football Stadia

Football Grounds

Fancy an exciting football match? Here we investigate all the league football clubs so that you know what to expect when visiting their grounds. Potted history, facilities for the mobility and visually impaired, other entertainment and how to get there.

VIPA Concerts

Are you ready for this?

Relive, or catch up on, some of the great concerts and festivals of the past, as well as what is happening today. Different genres such as rock, reggae, blues, classical, folk and comedy. We will be happy to fulfill any requests (if we can).


Places of Interest

This category includes a melange of sites which do not fit into other categories but, none-the-less, are well worth a visit. They range from St Pauls Cathedral to Snowdonia and include places of natural beauty, places of worship, historic sites and the fascinatingly quirky. Each composition will include history, transport and facilities.

VIPA Museums


You may think museums are just depositories of artefacts to be viewed but many offer far more. Audio tours can bring the exhibits to life, and many museums now offer a tactile display so that you can feel the past. There is also the atmosphere to soak up be it the rough hewn chill of castle walls or the reverent silence of the British Museum.

VIPA cricket

Cricket Grounds

The sound of leather on willow is one of the most evocative of English summertime. Here we explore the cricket grounds of the eighteen county cricket clubs, with history, directions and accessiblity for both the disabled and sight impaired. "It is not whether you win or lose but how you play the game". The spirit of cricket can teach us a lot in life.


“The limits of my language means the limits of my world.”

We all know where 'sandwich' came from but what about 'peach melba' or 'toe the line'? Find out the derivation of words associated with food, sports, money and fashion. Ever wondered where your surname came from? Explore some of the quirks of the English language.

VIPA Other Venues

Other Venues

Yes, we know there are other things in life aside from cricket. This section incudes all the other venues for sports, entertainment, concerts or just plain enjoyment. Ranging from the Manchester velodrome to the Royal Festival Hall the articles include history, transport and facilities.

VIPA Theatres


Although the whole world may well be a stage, this is a comprehensive list of all the commercial theatres in the United Kingdom. No drama, just a solid write-up which will include the history of the site, transport and directions, and the facilities you can expect.