wilkie collins - the moonstone
wilkie collins - woman in white
conan doyle - study in scarlet
conan doyle - adventures of sherlock holmes
conan doyle - his last bow
conan doyle - hound of the baskervilles
conan doyle - memoirs of sherlock holmes
conan doyle - return of sherlock holmes
conan doyle - sign of the four
edgar wallace - angel of terror
edgar wallace - daffodil mystery
edgar wallace - green rust
catherine coulter - riptide
catherine coulter - backfire
catherine coulter - bombshell
catherine coulter - blowout
catherine coulter - blindside
catherine coulter - the maze
ambrose bierce - the devils dictionary
ambrose bierce - parenticide club
ambrose bierce - occurrence at owl creek bridge
Edgar Allan Poe - 12 Creepy Tales
Edgar Allan Poe - Murders in the Rue Morgue
Edgar Allan Poe - Purloined Letter
Stephen King - Rose Madder
Stephen King - Dolores Claiborne
Stephen King - Four Past Midnight
James Patterson - Kiss the Girls
James Patterson - Jack and Jill
James Patterson - Pop Goes the Weasel
James Patterson - Roses are Red
James Patterson - Violets are Blue
James Patterson - Alex Cross, Run
Dan Brown - The Da Vinci Code
Dan Brown - Angels and Demons
Dan Brown - Digital Fortress
Umberto Eco - Name of the Rose
Umberto Eco - Foucault's Pendulum
Louis Tracy - Albert Gate Mystery
Louis Tracy - Mysterious Disappearance
Louis Tracy - Postmasters Daughter
Louis Tracy - Legacy of Hate
Maurice LeBlanc - Adventures of Arsene Lupin
Maurice LeBlanc - 8 Strokes of the Clock
Maurice LeBlanc - The Blonde Lady
R D Blackmore - Clara Vaughan Vol I
R D Blackmore - Clara Vaughan Vol II
R D Blackmore - Clara Vaughan Vol III
G K Chesterton - Man Who was Thursday
G K Chesterton - Man Who Knew Too Much
G K Chesterton - Whats Wrong With The World
G K Chesterton - Innocence of Father Brown
G K Chesterton - Club of Queer Trades
G K Chesterton - Manalive
G K Chesterton - Wisdom of Father Brown
G K Chesterton - Ball and Cross
Thomas Harris - Red Dragon
Thomas Harris - Silence of the Lambs
Thomas Harris - Hannibal Rising
Thomas Harris - Black Sunday
Mary Waggaman - Captain Ted (Children)
Augusta Seaman - Dragons Secret (Children)
Mary Molesworth - Carved Lions (Children)
Sapper - Bulldog Drummond
Wilkie Collins - Dead Secret
Percy Brebner - Christopher Quarles
William Godwin - Caleb Williams
Wadsworth Camp - Abandoned Room
Roy Snell - Blue Envelope (Children)
William Le Queux - Eye for an Eye
James Curwood - Flaming Forest
John Buchan - Greenmantle
John Buchan - Huntingtower
John Buchan - Mr. Standfast
John Buchan - Power-house
John Buchan - Prester John
Louis Vance - False Faces
Marcel Allain - Exploits of Juve
Sax Rohmer - Hand of Fu Manchu
E. Oppenheim - Pawns Count
E Oppenheim - Great Impersonation
E. Oppenheim - Great Secret
E. Oppenheim - The Avenger
E Oppenheim - Vanished Messenger
E. Oppenheim - Stolen Idols
E. Oppenheim - Golden Web
E. Oppenheim - Devils Paw
E Oppenheim - Yellow House
E. Oppenheim - Jacobs Ladder
Richard Davis - The Amateur
Richard Davis - In the Fog
Daniel Lord - Clouds Cover the Campus
John Bangs - R. Holmes and Co.
Louis Vance - Red Masquerade
William Le Queux - Hushed Up
William Le Queux - Czar's Spy
William Le Queux - Great White Queen
William Le Queux - Stolen Souls
William Le Queux - Four Faces
William Le Queux - Stretton Street Affair
Mildred Benson - Swamp Island (Children)
Louis Ulbach - For Fifteen Years
James Curwood - Flower of the North
Victor Rousseau - Jacqueline of Golden River
Gaston Leroux - Le Fauteuil Hante (FR)
Gaston Leroux - Mystery of Yellow Room
Gaston Leroux - Phantom of the Opera
C N Williamson - Golden Silence
C N Williamson - Happened in Egypt
B E Stevenson - Gloved Hand
B E Stevenson - Mystery of Boule Cabinet
B E Stevenson - Holladay Case
Elisabeth Gaskell - Grey Woman
Grace Johnson - Broken Rosary
Johnstone McCulley - Brand of Silence
Johnstone McCulley - Black Star
Augusta Seaman - Boarded Up House (Children)
Augusta Seaman - Slipper Point Mystery (Children)
Augusta Seaman - Girl Next Door (Children)
Anna K Green - House in the Mist
Anna K Green - House of Whispering Pines
Anna K Green - X Y Z Detective Story
Anna K Green - Initials Only
Anna K Green - Lost Mans Lane
Anna K Green - Chief Legatee
Anna K Green - Forsaken Inn
Anna K Green - Hasty Arrow Mystery
Anna K Green - Affair Next Door
Various - American Rivals of Holmes
Various - Rivals of Sherlock Holmes II
Charles Adams - Notting Hill Mystery
Andre Norton - Ralestone Luck
J Fletcher - Scarhaven Keep
William Le Queux - whither thou goest
J Hocking - weapons of mystery
D Adams - dirk gently holistic detective
mark twain - double barreled detective
j fletcher - orange yellow diamond
j fletcher - borough treasurer
j fletcher - talleyrand maxim
j fletcher - middle temple murder
J Fletcher - paradise mystery
Arthur Rees - hampstead mystery
Arthur Rees - shrieking pit
Arthur Rees - mystery of the Downs
Dorothy Sayers - whose body
Wilkie Collins - Lady + the law
h g jenkins - malcolm sage, detective
j mcintyre - ashton kirk, investigator
j mcintyre - ashton kirk, secret agent
e biggers - love insurance
e biggers - 7 keys to baldpate
edgar wallace - twisted candle
edgar wallace - secret house
lawrence lynch - against odds
lawrence lynch - last stroke
a pinkerton - dyke darrel
fergus hume - bishop's secret
fergus hume - hansom cab mystery
fergus hume - dwarf's chamber
fergus hume - hagar of pawn shop
Fergus Hume - Secret Passage
M Rinehart - Breaking Point
M Rinehart - dangerous days
M Rinehart - circular staircase
M Rinehart - Jennie Brice
M LeBlanc - confessions arsene lupin
Maurice LeBlanc - crystal stopper
Maurice LeBlanc - hollow needle
Wilkie Collins - haunted hotel
boris akunin - the winter queen
boris akunin - special assignments
boris akunin - state counsellor
boris akunin - turkish gambit
boris akunin - death of achilles
boris akunin - pelagia + white bulldog
boris akunin - murder on leviathan
mario puzo - the godfather
mario puzo - the sicilian
mario puzo - the last don
mario puzo - 6 graves to munich
Alistair Maclean - HMS Ulysses
R A Freeman - Silent Witness
R A Freeman - Eye of Osiris
R A Freeman - vanishing man
R A Freeman - uttermost farthing
R A Freeman - red thumb mark
C Pelham - chronicles of crime
F Packard - Adventures Jimmie Dale
Louis Tracy - Silent Barrier
Arthur Reeve - film mystery
Arthur Reeve - exploits of elaine
A M Barbour - mainwaring affair
A M Barbour - at the time appointed
A Mason - at the villa rose
G Boothby - a bid for fortune
G Boothby - wiltshire's diamonds
Israel Zangwill - big bow mystery
roy snell - The secret mark
grace north - bobs, girl detective
r eustace - master of mysteries
r eustace - brotherhood of 7 kings
e bonhote - bungay castle
a groner - case of registered letter
a groner - case of pocket diary
a groner - case of golden bullet
j fletcher - chestermarke instinct
j fletcher - middle of things
anna green - circular study
T Hanshew - Cleek of Scotland Yard
George Fenn - The Dark House
E Hornung - dead men tell no tales
E Hornung-raffles, amateur cracksman
E Hornung - thief in the night
E Hornung - shadow of the rope
E Hornung - raffles, further adventures
C Steele - mansion of mystery
J Futrelle - diamond master
J Futrelle - elusive isabel
Anna Green - doctor, wife + clock
sheridan le fanu - evil guest
charlotte brame - fair mystery
charlotte brame - shadow of a sin
marcel allain - messengers of evil
anna green - filigree ball
e bramah - wallet of kai lung
e bramah - max carrados, detective
j dent - gerrard street + others
g bonner - girl at central
f froest - the grell mystery
William Beckford - caliph vathek
sax rohmer - Insidious Fu Manchu
Wilkie Collins - Jezebel's daughter
Baroness Orczy - Lady Molly
Anna Green - leavenworth case
W Irving - legend of sleepy hollow
Marie Lowndes - The Lodger
Louis Vance - the lone wolf
J M Falkner - lost stradivarius
Fergus Hume - madame midas
M Rinehart - man in lower ten
F L Baum - mary louise (children)
f baum - mary louise in country (children)
F L Baum - mary louise mystery (children)
f baum - mary louise liberty girls (child)
k thurston - the masquerader
anna green - the mayor's wife
octavius cohen - midnight
r savage - midnight passenger
anna green - millionaire baby
r kaufmann - frances baird, detective
anna green - missing : page 13
e gaboriau - monsieur leCoq I
E Gaboriau - Monsieur lecoq II
anne austin - murder at bridge
h beam piper - murder in gunroom
m hubbard - murder takes the veil
dame macaulay - mystery at geneva
a seaman - mystery at no. 6 (children)
conan doyle - mystery of cloomber
charles dickens - mystery of edwin drood
fred white - mystery of four fingers
m harvey - mystery of hidden room
e howe - mystery of the locks
anne green - one of my sons
m oliphant - open door + portrait
l chamberlain - other side of door
h macgrath - pagan madonna
m nicholson - port of missing men
sax rohmer - sacred slipper
j fletcher - rayner-slade
A A Milne - Red House Mystery
sax rohmer - return of fu manchu
t hanshew - purple emperor
e childers - riddle of sands
a griffiths - rome express
anna green - ruby and caldron
c n williamson - second latchkey
samuel adams - lonesome cove
gaston leroux - secret of night
w martyn - silver car secret
Joseph Conrad - Secret Sharer
william le queux - seven secrets
william le queux - sign of silence
fergus hume - silent house
louis ulbach - steel hammer
t aldrich - stillwater tragedy
m fortune - detective album
anna green - strange disappearance
unknown- string of pearls (sweeney todd)
maurice leblanc - teeth of tiger
B Stevenson - Affair at Elizabeth
anna green - 3,000 dollars
r marsh - tom ossington's ghost
e c bentley - trent's last case
e pangborn - trial of callista blake
conan doyle - uncle bernac
rex stout - under the andes
t p prest - varney the vampire, vol i
t p prest - varney the vampire, vol ii
t p prest - varney the vampire, vol iii
m rinehart - window at white cat
Anna Green - Woman in Alcove
a pinkerton - expressman + detective
various - short mystery stories 001
various - short mystery stories 002
various - short mystery stories 003
various - short mystery stories 004
various - short mystery stories 005
various - short mystery stories 006
Various - Short Mystery Stories 007